It seems like Toronto has been invaded by these little bug very annoying creatures. The reports of bed bugs bites have been on the rise in recent years. However, this is not a recent problem. Bed bugs have been around for as long as we have been around. The first documented accounts of bed bugs problems come from Ancient Greece. Since then they have made their way. Certified pest control Toronto professionals have the necessary training to get rid of the

In Canada, and especially in Toronto the bed bug situation started being problematic in the 1940’s and 1950’s. Then, when regulation for nasty pesticides wasn’t not even a consideration, local governments literally eradicated bed bugs. This also occurred in Toronto. As a result bed bugs were not a problem for many years. Things changed in the 70’s though, when harmful to humans pesticides became restricted in various locations in Canada. For almost 30 years, things seemed to be under control.

Until 2003, Toronto city officials reported that the bed bug cases were very few and the complaints to the city were sporadic and mild. Things changed again that year when Toronto Public Health began receiving an increasing number of complaints. In that year alone, there were 47 official reports to the city and bed bug exterminators made 1,300 treatments in the city. As years went by, the bed bug cases increased. In 2005, the reported cases increased to 197. The number of bed bug exterminations in Toronto increased to over 5,000.

A key event in the bed bug history of Toronto occurred in 2006 when the bed bug registry was created. It was created by a Toronto resident when he just had enough with the bed bug situation. In year 2007 the number of bed bug treatments had skyrocketed. Just one company, which remains un-named, made over 4,000 treatments that year.

Things start resembling an epidemic. Toronto residents are becoming increasingly concerned with the situation. As a result, the Board of Health suggests the creation of an action committee against bed bugs. In 2008, the bed bug situation takes a turn for the worst. If you want to learn more about the Toronto bed bug history you can do so by clicking here. If you are looking for a bed bug exterminator in Toronto then you should do a local search and find one.